Senin, 12 November 2012

Indonesian Table Manner

Table manners are the etiquette used when eating. This includes the appropriate use of utensils. Different cultures have different standards for table manners.
Indonesia has some rules when we eat something and use utensils. Let's find out what are them.

  • Use your right hand when picking up and eating food.
  • Keep your left hand at your side.
  • Don't pass food with your left hand.
  • Don't begin to eat or drink until the oldest man at the table has been served and has begun.
  • If you must use a toothpick, use it while covering your mouth with both hands.
  • Don't chew and talk at the same time. Take each morsel in small bites and don't swallow in big bites.
  • If you tasted something and didn't like it. Put it aside your own plate.
  • men are served before women.
  • If you use a spoon and a fork, you hold a tablespoon in your right- hand and a fork in your left- hand.
Some statements above are the rules when we eat something and use utensils in Indonesia (Indonesian table Manners). You can use that to make polite situation when you eating.

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